So guess what I finally made after about 5 years of storing a footboard! A really, really cute bench! Here's the history. We purchased new furniture for our daughter after my son grew out of his crib and needed a big boy bed. We figured it was perfect timing for our daughter and so off to Pier One we went (I was already stalking what I wanted to get her, it was just time to convince the hubby! :). Anyway, the footboard was just a little too much for her room and we decided to hold on to it instead of returning it. So, fast foward to our move about a year ago when the husband finally insisted that we no longer needed it and then the wheels were turning in my head as to how to save it...It really turned into a rescue project on my part...Now all I needed was a makeshift bench, so off to the hardware store I went and returnd with a 12 foot piece of pine and some angle bracket thingys (yes. that is techinically what I call them). I cut it in half and used one half for the seat...enter the husband and his brilliant idea on how to attach the bench to the footboard...and TA DA! A cute, wait, I mean completely adorable, better than I imagined, happy it turned out, saved from the trash...porch seating was born....what do you think!?!
Style Showcase 276
22 hours ago
What a great way to repurpose. I would love something like this on my front porch. Great work!
Um...first of all...hullo sister!!! Nice to have you back! :)
And second of all...shut your face! When did you do that? Where is it and why haven't I seen it?
What a silly question's on the porch of course!
BTW nice to be back...
Oh my heck that is the perfect outdoor bench So cute! I am glad it did not end up in the trash. Because I so would have picked it up!
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